Where can I go for immunizations?
Is my family eligible to get vaccinations at CRCHD?
Why should I report an animal bite?
- Per local municipal ordinance, any person having knowledge or reason to believe that any dog, cat or ferret has bitten a person, shall immediately report, so far as is known, the name and address of the owner of the animal and circumstances of such bite. Such report shall be made to the municipal police department or Sheriff’s Department.
Where can I dispose of my extra medications?
What immunizations are required for Wisconsin schools?
How can I find my children’s immunization records?
I am traveling outside of the United States. Where can I find out what vaccines I should get and where can I get them?
Can I get lab testing at CRCHD? (i.e. STD, Pregnancy, titers.)
How can I schedule a TB skin test?
Where can I pick up a well water test kit?
Where can I purchase a radon test kit?
Is there an ordinance that requires a radon gas test?
- Radon testing is not required by law or regulated in Wisconsin. However, testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. The Central Racine County Health Department recommends testing all homes to better understand radon levels and lung cancer risk. Luckily, testing a home for radon is easy.
How do I find a certified radon mitigation contractor?
How can I dispose of sharps?
I found a dead bird. Should I report it to CRCHD?
How do I file a complaint about a nursing home?
How do I file a complaint about a nail salon?
How do I file a complaint about an unkempt property in my neighborhood?
- Please contact your Local Municipality directly.
How do I get a copy of my birth certificate?
Where can I see a food establishment's inspection report?
How do I file a complaint about a food establishment?
How do I contact the Birth to 3 Program?
How do I contact WIC (Women, Infants & Children Nutrition Program)?
Who can I contact for mental health services?
I know an elderly and/or disabled person who needs help. Who can I contact?
I think a child is being neglected/abused. Who can I contact?
What do I need to do to sell food at a Farmer’s Market?